Things Kisha Luvs!
Just a few of my favorite things:

Okay, so like in 2017ish I discovered Funko Pop toys and I have gonna nuts, like you do. I currently have over 50 Funko toys and counting, I add to the page, my Pinterest, and my CookingLookin' Instagram Stories every time I get a new one. Come back and see how my collection grows.
My wishlist includes going to the Funko Headquarters in Everett, WA someday, I live in Washington, so it's doable.

I love me them red heads!

I love Zendaya!

My hero, RIP!

You never know what you are going to get.

Always better than Pokemon.

Funk Rocks!

Funko Rocks!

Funko Rocks!

He's so cute! My Funko Collection, Kisha Helena. I heart funko!

My Funko Collection, Kisha Helena. I heart funko!
I'm into any and all things Green Tea "Matcha"! I drink the stuff, I eat the stuff, I bake with the stuff. I even sleep on a Zinus Memory Foam 12 Inch Green Tea Mattress and use body products with green tea extract in them. Check out my "Green Tea Infused" Pinterest Board.
So me and the Care Bears go way back. I'm a child of the 80's afterall. I started really collecting these when they were celebrating their 20th Anniversary, they just had their 35th Anniversary. I own movies, cards, games, cloths, and I have well over 60 bears (I think, I haven't counted in awhile it's probably more).
And before you ask, I don't own any Care Bear Funkos because, well they scary me, with their black eyes making me think they have cold black hearts. I just don't approve of the Funko Care Bear design, though I have to say "Nighttime" and "Grumpy" aren't as scary. I'm just really particular about my Care Bears I prefer the ones from the 80's. I don't own any bears that look like the CGI 3D ones or the new longer more humanoid ones. I like my Care Bears with big round bellies and oven-mitt hands.
My Care Bears wishlist: To someday own a "Limited Edition" Christmas Plush Wishes Bear.